
Error message

  • Notice: Use of undefined constant all - assumed 'all' in eval() (line 3 of /home/quickest/public_html/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).
  • Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in eval() (line 4 of /home/quickest/public_html/modules/php/php.module(80) : eval()'d code).
  • Notice: Undefined variable: cat_title in qowl_breadcrumb() (line 127 of /home/quickest/public_html/sites/all/themes/qowl/template.php).

silent movment pin hole PTZ camera

At Quickest Owl we were in charge of developing a very high quality silent pin hole viagra online generic movement PTZ camera for covert reconnaissance.  

Pneumatic Mule

A development of a pneumatic walking platform that was done by Quickest Owl with Ben Gurion University .This site project is a proprietary of the Ben Gurion University.

computer vision controlled palm tree sprayer

At Quickest Owl we developed the algorithm and hardware for computer vision controlled robotic palm tree sprayer. This project was done with the Ben Gurion university.  

Vision controled robotic walking cane

At Quickest Owl we developed a proof of concept version of a vision controlled walking cane for one of our customers.    

Stereoscopic vision research platform

Stereoscopic vision research platform (2012)

Vision based flowers pollinate Robot

  Final Project Mechatronics practical engineer of Shelly Huberman and Arik Lerner Harmelin ORT College, Netanya, Israel. In 2012, the project was done  under Quickest-Owl  guidance

Past projects

Systems and projects we were involved with up to the year of  2008. The projects included, stabilized observation systems, mobile robots, alternative human machine interfaces, computer vision and more.

X - Heavy lifting multicopter

At Quickest Owl we developed and manufactured a heavy lifting multicopter, according to the customer's specifications, with the ability of GPS based autonomous flight, long rang communication  and cellular control option.    

Anti riot platform

Anti riot platform which was technologically designed by Quickest Owl, and developed in collaboration with the client's team. The system allows remote control of a variety of nonlethal weapons, peripheral observation, Target investigation and a public addressing system from the control station. System integration and demonstration was carried out by the
Quickest Owl team. We were part of the development team but the system is not our proprietary!  
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Air gun trigger heck for robotic operation

Air gun trigger heck for robotic operation

EEG operated smart home for ALS patients

A report on Channel 10 news ,about  EEG operated smart home for ALS patients developed by Quickest Owl. The project was done at ORT Hermelin college in 2010 by Alon Bukaee and Ophir Benjamin, and under the guidance of Quickest Owl . The project was implemented in cooperation with ISRALS and with the help of the late Mr Gil Niran.

EMG controlled prosthetic arm

EMG controlled prosthetic arm Final project in practical engineering of Joan Sabage, Guy Shachar Tal Hananel at ORT Harmelin College - Mechatronic department. In 2010, the project was directed by Quickest Owl. The prosthetic arm was controled by EMG (Electromyography - small currents generated during muscle contraction). The arm is intended for use of
below the elbow amputees. With 8 electrodes in different areas on the body of the user, we sampled the user muscle contraction. According to the various contractions , the prosthetic arm performed operations of opening, closing and yawing of the hand . The arm is designed to be of normal weight. The Arm is operated with a pair of rc servo motors, and controlled
by PIC 16f877A. There are two arm control loops: User - vibration motor which gives an indication to the user about the pressure of  the fingers System control - using current sensors we control the power used by motors in order not exceed the motors limits The poject won first prize in an anual national competition.  
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Covert camera inside a beer can.

Hiding a camera inside a beer can.

Vanishing point guided ATV

Vanishing point algorithem is being used to move inside buildings The project was done at ORT Hermalin (Israel) with the collaboration of the Technion computer science faculty, by Liron, Dima and Dvir with the guidance of Quickest Owl on April 2010.